umano 5

[Umano] How to Work With People Who Are Smarter Than You

원문 : 청취 : *위 링크에서 원문 및 음성 청취 가능 It’s entrepreneurship gospel—hire those who are smarter than you.기업가들의 찬송가나 다름없다. - 당신보다 능력있는 사람을 고용한다는 것 There’s no mystery to this wisdom. Clever, skilled employees require less management, co..

[Umano] 5 reasons to drink coffee before your workout

원문 : 청취 :*위 링크에서 원문 및 음성 청취 가능 Half of Americans start their day with coffee, and according to recent study, working out after downing a cup of java may offer a weight-loss advantage.미국인의 절반은 하루를 커피와 함께 시작하고, 최근 연구에 따르면 커피(not instant)를 들이킨 후 하는 운동을..

[Umano] Psychologists Have Uncovered a Troubling Feature of People Who Seem Nice All the Time

원문 : 청취 :*위 링크에서 원문 및 음성 청취 가능 In 1961, curious about a person's willingness to obey an authority figure, social psychologist Stanley Milgram began trials on his now-fa..

[Umano] 5 Signs You’re in a Toxic Relationship

원문 :청취 :*위 링크에서 원문 및 음성 청취 가능 “Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else’s.” ~Billy Wilder"당신의 직감을 믿으십시요. 당신의 실수 또한 타인의 것이 아니라 당신의 것입니다." -Billy Wilder I’ve had my share of toxic relationships, or at least w..

[Umano]How to improve your cognitive stamina

원문 :청취 :*위 링크에서 원문 및 음성 청취 가능 How to improve your cognitive staminaLife Hacks Productivity Cognitive stamina is your cognitive budget, so to speak. It represents your ability to do intellectual work throughout the day.Cognitive stamina is generally believed to be a resource..